The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Struggling Blogger, but greatly humbled!

I am humbled to know that my friend Dee has given me a blog award. Wow!Here is the discription of the award guideline and to pass it on.... "The citation" reads: These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prize or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!.There is an instruction that comes with this award. Deliver this award to 8 bloggers who must choose 8 more. Include this text in the body of the blog. I can't seem to get the image to post. Thank you Dee you are indeed so thoughtful, and I will pass the award on as soon I can figure out how! I cannot thank you all enough for reading my blog. I think I must be under spiritual attack right now or something, because I don't seem to have any wisdom right now. I am a bit overloaded right now. I have miles of lists of prayer requests, and it seems little motvation. I am suppose to speak in one month from today, and "feel" more unspiritual than I can recall. Yet, I know God will do something. I am sorry that I have failed you tonight my fellow bloggers. There are many things I could write tonight, but my mind is too scattered to write anything sound. Next time I post hopefully I can encourage you all. I thank you for your understanding as I seek to turn my eyes to the Lord, as I wrestle with my own failings. Thank you all for your comments. There a lot going on here right, but I'll reply soon, Lord willing! Thanks again Dee what a blessing you are!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I Was totally excited to see that you got a blog award.. who knew that you could give those. If I knew how I would totally give you a best friend award. I feel you are being to hard on yourself right now.. we all have wilderness seasons.. where we feel dry, frustrated, unsure of what to say .. it's usually after those times that God waters our thirsty grounds the most. I am praying hard for you. By the way-- i am so blesed by the music on your blog. Right now our internt is working well so I can hear it on here well.. it's like listening to a whole new CD.. love it and love you