The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Change is here...

Over the last year and a half there have been some small changes happening mostly on the inside of me.  I've embraced unconditional love from God,  I am becoming more secure in him.  His love and acceptance have begun to make it's way from my head to my heart, which is why I have chosen to celebrate the change as reminder of how far God has brought me from where I've been.  I believe our lives are not just a journey of our own, but are meant to inspire and encourage others.  When I began this blog years ago, the tagline was "my place in this blogging world", it was meant to be a reflection of finding my place in this world. My focus has now changed, and it is my desire to reflect that here.  So the tagline is now from Head to Heart.  So I hope you embrace the seemingly mild changes here friends, because one thing I'm learning is that change is going to happen whether we embrace it or not .    It has been good and busy birthday month that has now come to a close.
        Are you in a season of change or stillness?

Whatever season it is our lives, God wants us to invite his presence into it!  


Beth said...

I like your new blog title and I appreciate the reason you changed it. Thank you for sharing the pictures. You are a very lovely lady.


Molly Page said...

LOVE. Love. love. Seeing pictures of you here! Great new tagline.

It seems like I'm always in the midst of a season of change. I'm not sure if I have a short attention span or I've just got a LOT of growing to do! (probably both...)

Unknown said...

Yes I believe also that we are meant to encourage and inspire each other. Thank you for your encouragement and inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I just caught up on your last two posts, Teej. I was particularly blessed by your thoughts on Mary and Martha. As usual we seem to interpret things in the same way. Thank you for giving me a new revelation about this story. It really ministered to me.

Thank you for your openness in both of these posts.

Love you bunches,

Dee said...

Wonderful have come along way and will go even farther...I hope one day to be able to change my blog title :) Hugs..Dee