The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Something to talk about!


Cyber folks! I think I may have a couple of loyal folks who read this new blog. Today the church sermon was on Romans 8:14-16 (NASV) For all who are (A)being led by the Spirit of God, these are (B)sons of God.
15For you (C)have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you (D)have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "(E)Abba! Father!"
16The Spirit Himself (F)testifies with our spirit that we are (G)children of God,

How does one know when they are being led by Spirit of God, well first to be led by God's spirit we must first personally know God, knowing of him, or about him is not the same as knowing him personally. Sin keeps us from knowing God the way we crave to know him, or the way Adam and Eve knew prior to the fall. If we are led by God's Spirit we will become more and more like Christ! There are days when I willfully commit my life to the Spirit of God, while other days when I am being led by more my flesh, because I have not submitted to God's Spirit.

There is so much in these verses to get excited about. God has adopted his own, and he loves us so dearly, that he delights in our calling Abba Father. I called my father daddy when I was little. I still do when referring to him, however since my parents are divorved, the term Daddy has not always meant what I longed for it to mean or dreamed it to mean, and though I love my earthly father, there is only one who is worthy of the term Daddy in all its glory.

Have you ever doubted that God is in fact your Abba Father? I did once for a long period of time Then I discovered I did not have to base my assurance on my feelings, and I found verse 16, and I knew that once my spiritual adoption was settled, God's spirit would forever testify that I am his own! AAA women's services is great! How I thank God for giving me a place there. I have not been this excited about where God has placed me in so long. God will fulfill his plans for my life. Ps.138:8! Have a good week, if you happen to stumble on to my site, leave a comment please. Thanks!