tonight I write you my readers, with a heavy heart for a few people fighting the little c- cancer. This idea of the little c cancer did not originate with me, but I heard it when my mom first found out she had cancer in 2008. It isn't that cancer is a little thing at all. What is true though is the Big C stands not for cancer, but for Christ. At another time, I will write about how my mom is doing, and the journey we are on, but right now I want to ask you to pray for a 16 year old girl named Jordan who has cancer of the brain from my church. She will begin the radiation process tomorrow. Please remember her and her family in your prayers. Please pray for healing, comfort, peace, and strength! Pray for her daily. If I continue to learn anything in the past 4\ years, it is this... No matter what, Christ will always be bigger than cancer. I don't always know what that looks like, but I know it is true!
Please also pray for my blogger friend Beth, whose sister is in the wanting process of test results! Thank you!