The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Friday, June 26, 2009

From Bitterness to Thankfulness

Hi Gals:

Wow!!!!!!!!!!! So much to write. I want to begin with a thankful list. I know others do this weekly, but I want to do it now.
1. I''m thankful for God's grace upon my life I don't deserve to be his daughter, but I am.
2. I know it sounds funny, but I'm thankful God does not let me know what is going to happen before it does sometimes.
3, I'm thankful my stomach is intact today.
4, I'm thankful for a back up chair when my breaks down like today.
5. I'm thankful for running water, as I think about how Jenn doesn't have any.
6. I'm thankful for doggy kisses
7. I'm thankful my mom can get medical coverage.
8. I'm thankful my mom is here on earth.
9. I'm thankful my brother can go on the mission trip tomorrow.
10. I'm thankful for Michelle and the new bible study we are doing together called Me, Myself, and Lies
11. I'm thankful Jenn will be home in three weeks.
12, I'm thankful for Sandra Rose
13. I'm thankful for Dr. John Barber, and the depth of wisdom he has.
14. I'm thankful for the fact that sometimes long distance friendships really do work.
15. I'm thankful God is true to his promises. As you can see: I have endless reasons to choose thankfulness over bitterness!

I have been struggling with bitterness in life in general lately. It is amazing how when we choose thankfulness it transforms us, lifts us up. Christians most of all, have no shortage of reasons to be thankful. Does that mean I should go around pretending life is peachy all the time? No, the truth is there are days I wonder why in the world I am here? I often think wouldn't my life serve a greater purpose in heaven than here? I often feel out of place in this world. It isn't that there aren't wonderful things about this life, there are. Laughter joy lessons beauty, It's all here, but it is all perfected in heaven! It is tempting to think I am useless here. Yet I know God placed me here to glorify himself, and who I am to tell him otherwise. I am on the second of the new Bible Study, to be honest It hasn't really occurred to me much that God wants honor from my thoughts. My mom is having biopsies done, they found a spot, but the doctor things it's only scar tissue. Keep you posted. I've added some new music Jenn!