The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

God is so Good!

This is a rather simple title but so very true! God is so good! Are you ever all the sudden just out of the blue reminded of the goodness of God! It is sad to say, but sometimes I don't think most of us really stop to reflect on just how great our God is! My last post I shared that I was a little down. God has taught me in the last few years that it is okay to get down sometimes. It's okay to not smile all the time. It's okay to cry even when sometimes you don't know why you are crying, but even then, I/we must remember that God is indeed good, in fact he is Great! We overuse many words in our culture, two of them are awesome and great. God is really the only one who is really awesome, good and great! Ps. 34:8 says: "Taste and see that the Lord is good. "How happy is the man who takes refuge in him." I am reminded of how many prayer requests I've given to God and then forgotten about it after he had provided in his perfect timing. I prayed for a girl back when I was in middle school who was at the time angry at God and running away from him because her dad died, to be honest, if it had be happening to me, I'm sure I'd have felt the same way. Anyway a few years later, we lost touch, and sadly I often forgot to pray for her. God, however did not forget those prayers I prayed as young girl because not too long ago, that same friend contacted me and told me God had brought her back to him. I was quickly reminded though, that God answered! I may have forgotten I had prayed about that a long time ago, but God never forgets! He wants us to taste and see that he is good... In order to see that Lord is good, our eyes must be open... It is easy to focus on so many things around us, that we forget to dwell on and see, and taste and that God is good.

Does the next part of of the verse mean Christians will be happy all the time? No, as I understand, it means in the end, if God is indeed our refuge, then the final victory is ours through him! What do you think? Are you seeing God's goodness in your life? Are you look for it?

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, is January 20Th, so that is my big project right now. If you are reading this, pray things go smoothly and consider getting your church involved. Thanks for reading guys!