Hi Blogger pals,
Hope you having a great Sunday! Thank you for your uplifting comments. Here is the thing, I love food. I know that is a pretty random way to begin a post, but stick with me. I know we all in a sense love food because we never want to be hungry, but God created us each with a diffrent sense of taste. For example, I love Mexican food sea food, and I have a massive sweet tooth. I however hate most foods with slimy textures, like watermelon. Sorry to all who love watermelon. In Psalm 34: verse 8 says "Taste and see the Lord is good! If we have been brought from death to life, then we have seen and tasted the goodness of the Lord. Like our taste buds we may see God's goodness in many different ways, but we have been blessed by His goodness!!!
I started writing this post last night, but didn't get to finish. I have so much richness to share with you blogger friends, but I must wait... I'll try to catch up on your posts soon! Thanks for being so paitent with me. Hope to post soon! Blessings!