Howdy Bloggers:
I cannot believe it has been 2 weeks since I posted concert pics. The concert was wonderful! Stephen Curtis Champan is such a blessing, and God has just upheld him and given him and his family such grace. They are building a orphanage for children with Special Needs in China in memory of their daughter Maria. Michael W. Smith led an amazing second half with worship. When we sang healing Rain mom & I were just beaming as we thought about God sent sent his healing rain upon her. He also talked about God being the Father you've looked for all your life, which is something I've never heard him talk about before. He reminded us how God is our Abba Father, as he talked I must have prayed that whole time, as I just longed for the reality to permeate my soul. Don't get my wrong, I know lots of children grow up without dad's in there every day lives. It isn't the end of the world, especially when you have an amazing mom like mine. But at times there is a real desire for the void to be filled. It touched me so much to know God desires to fill the longing in my soul! It was great to see MWS again. I find myself amazed at his love for the Lord, and thinking if only I could live solid out for Christ like you. I know he has his failures, but He knows who he is in Christ, and He knows how to be a servant. I left that concert feeling blessed, excited, humbled, free, and yet wanting to have the fullness I see in him through Jesus!
Easter was good. I recently read the story of Thomas, and how he doubted Jesus had risen and appeared. I often think my name should have been doubting T.J., because I doubt almost anything, even my own words and motives. Jesus could have rebuked Thomas, but instead Jesus met him where he was! He deemed Thomas valuable enough to dwell among him. Once Thomas personally encountered Jesus that was enough. Jesus called him, and he answered! Jesus declared that Thomas believed, because he had seen, but blessed were those who believed though they had not seen. My paraphrase, sorry I would write out the verses, but my caregiver will be here soon. The thing is we must change the way we think of seeing when it comes to Jesus. God wants us to have a personal encounter, but that might include seeing him not with physical eyes, but through the eyes of faith! So, I guess there is one question left. Have you "seen" Jesus lately?