The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Movie, Elvis's Brother, and God is there!

Hi Readers:

Hope you had a great weekend! I have had one of the best weekends in awhile. Yesterday I went to see Julie & Julia the movie! It was very good, I admit I really didn't expect to like it, because I am not into cooking, but it was funny, and contained a modern day love story as well! It also tells a story of a blog, by an every day woman! Then, today I was able to go to church for the first time in a month. We had a guest Evangelist for our church rally day. His name is Rick Stanley and he is the brother of Elvis Presley! He has amazing testimony! He a very humble man! It was truly a treat to hear what only God could do in his life!

Speaking of God doing a work.... God is teaching me a lot right now, but it is hard to process much less to write about at this point. I am sure you are familiar with the lyrics "All I have in your Lord, is more than enough for all of me! (SONG MORE THAN ENOUGH) It isn't until we are called to truly lay down our comforts and false idols, that we ever really know that the God we talk about really is more than enough. Sometimes we willingly offer our idols, while other times we find that in those moments when are too weak to surrender, and so God does a kind of stripping away of our safety net, which then causes us to honestly explore the question, Lord are you really? Can I really trust you with everything? In the past 2 years God has stripped away most of my false safety nets. Actually, he first removed my false sense of worth as an over achiever student 5 years ago, Then, he removed not just one but 3 friends who made me feel safe and loved. Then He removed my mom's health, not once, but twice. I still wait for healing in my relationship with a family member, and there seems to be no end to the strain in sight. God is the one who gives and the one who takes away. I will admit I wrestle with anger for the taking away part, but as I work through this, I am reminded that He Jesus is the source of everything! He has never owed me anything, and everything I have comes from his hand! Everything I'm given has been entrusted to me, based on nothing I deserve. He is the hope that does not disappoint the friend that never leaves. The refuge that does not crumble! The Father who does not ignore! Mary told Jesus that if He had been there, her brother would not have died, but Mary quickly saw that for the glory of God, Jesus waited and came at just the right time. Maybe like me you wonder what God is doing, or you may you think, God where were you when my child or friend died or moved away? Maybe your question is where where you God when my marriage fell apart? Where were you when my job fell through? Where where you when I was hurt so bad? Jesus was there. Yes, we wonder why an all powerful God would just be there waiting, instead of acting, but Jesus is there to minster even as the questions come, even as we wonder and prayerfully wait. He is with us even though.... The victory is ours, the comfort is ours, The hope is ours! The glory is His!