Hi Blogger Pals:
In a few hours I will be at the Michael W. Smith & Stephen Curtis Chapman concert. I am very excited! The meet & Greet will be at 6:15 followed by the concert at 7:00. This is my 6th major Michael W. Smith concert! I'll post an update about the evening soon! I hope the weather won't be too bad here, dangerous weather is being predicted for tonight, last I heard.
You may have seen my quote on my blog that says "The best way to change the world is to begin with those closest to you." My great Michelle is running in the music city Marathon to help fund research for rare types of cancer. We both have had loved ones who have either passed away from cancer, or have battled it. I bet you have too. Would you consider going to her blog, and help her by donating to her efforts??? Michelle is a goodly woman, and I know you will love her blog. http://mygingerbreadfam.blogspot.com/ If you can't find it let me know. Thank you so much for any help you might be able to offer.
We don't like to think about our sin, but I am discovering that when I sin it grieves God's heart. That brings to light a new of looking at sin doesn't it? It isn't just about removing our guilt, or avoiding punishment, it is about not wanting to hurt or grief the very heart of the Living God! When we confess and repent by God's power, we not only free ourselves. but we honor God! I admit I don't grieve over how my sin and how it grieves God, the way I need too. We have all mourned over changes or lost loved ones, but I wonder if we remember the last time we mourned over our sin. Don't misunderstand because of Jesus, we don't need to mourn over sin to the point that we overlook the victory that is ours, but we need to remember that our victory cost Jesus his life, and it cost the Father his Son! Sin hinders our prayers. Ps. 66:18 www.Biblegateway.com If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened;
Just something I'm thinking about. I'll check your blogs soon! Thank you for reading!