Hi Blogger Pals:
Can I share a few of my own pet peeves with you, and then I'll tell you what I'm thankful for right now.
Pet Peeve;
1. Judgement from non- expressive people about people who freely express emotions. Whatever the emotion may be. Warnning advice from a Non Parent.... Please encouurage your children to express emotions, such as anger, hurt, disappointment, Joy. Allow them to see you expressing such emotions whenever possible. Let them know that tears are okay and nothing to be ashamed of don't jut say it, but convey it....
I'm thankful that God's word id ever so timely... I'm thankful for downtime. I'm thankful to have a family that at the end of the day can lay everything else aside, and pull together in a crisis. I'm thankful good times out way trials and that in heaven all that is wrong will be made right......