The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Friday, November 19, 2010

Half Full Friday/11/19/10 and Happy Dance!

Hi Bloggers Friends:

         I am overflowing with thankfulness for my returned good health, and want to say thank you for your prayers.  My surgery was a success the recovery was longer and rougher than predicted, but thrilled to put it behind me.    I have been in awe of the outpouring of love I have received.    After not being out of the house for more than a week, it has been nice to get back in the swing of things.  Half Full Friday now has a new sponsor!  You can find her here! Hope you will check it out and make your own list.I will hopefully be back with a part 2 on Spiritual Boredom Part II.  Hopefully a more positive, but equally transparent post will follow part I.


  • I am joyful to be feeling better than I've felt in literally a month and 1/2.
  • I am joyful because of all my get well cards and gifts.
  • I am joyful that I got the whole season 10 of BH 90210.
  • I am joyful because Thanksgiving is next week! 
  • I am joyful for the response to my previous blog post.
  • I am joyful that God is present even when I may, not sense his presence.
  • I'm joyful to do no longer be in a medicine induced fog.
  • I am joyful that I read a new book in three hours even though I'm a slow reader