The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Monday, August 10, 2009

Praise REPORT and continued prayers!

I am so excited to write this post for you all. I just talked to mom on the phone and she said the pathology report came back and the cancer is gone! Let me type that again so it will sink in better. They were able to get all of the cancer, only one lymphnode came back as cancer and it is now out.If Mom is able to eat solid foods between now and tommorow she will be able to come home at some point tomorrow. We are all so excited to have her home and can hardly wait for tommorow to come.Thank you so much for your continued prayers throughout this process.We are praising the Lord for this incredible news. We still know that there are hurdles to climb and recovery that still needs to take place. Hopefully if there is additional information to pass on to you I can do that once I talk to Mom further. She is now taking a nap and Mumzie is tearfully rejoicing. My friend Michelle and her adorable son Alex are spending some time with me today and it was wonderful to hear such good news with her. None of us have a guarantee of what tommorow will bring as far as this life goes, but I am reminded that we always have HOPE in our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope you will join in the celebration wtih us and continue praying for mom as it is still a slow process. We are thankful for all of you.