The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Sunday, December 27, 2009

How Amazing!

How Amazing
By: T.J. Ellis
December 24, 2009
How amazing that the Eternal One came in human flesh
He made the stars and the heavens in all of its glory.
He gave life by his Holy Breath!
None compare with The Everlasting God above
He is Powerful and Mighty
He is righteous and true
He is Love.
He came to forgive me and you.
He is Pure
He is Light
He is the star, shining brightly in the night.
He came in the flesh as a baby, such a glorious gift for all of mankind.
What an awesome sight that must have been.
The Savior arrived for humanity to witness.
The angels announced the Savior’s coming upon the earth.
The Shepherds marveled with wonder at their words.
Peace itself rests in Mary’s arms.
The hope of sinners has come!
History was made as that baby grew into a man, and died upon a cross to save.
Rising from the grave,
The chains of bondage have fallen away.
All because Jesus came with love so great!

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