The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Monday, October 20, 2014

Pintrest Christianity...

If you aren't familiar with the website Pinterest I'll try to explain.  Pinterest is a website which allows a person to organize different aspects of their lives on an electronic bulletin boards.  For example, if you want to pin articles for work, then you might pin work related ideas,.  If you want a board that reflects your style or parenting, you would name the electronic board accordingly.  Sometimes I will get busy looking for different concepts and pin the information article book or outfit on the board. If I catch a mistake like this even months later, I am compelled to move the item to its proper board.  I like for a lot of life to fit into compartments or proper places.  As I causally pinned items to my own Pintrest it was if I heard a whisper saying Pinterest Christianity.  Pinterest Christianity I wondered where did that come from?  Days later the phrase entered my mind, prompting me again.  What are you attempting to show me Lord?  It hit me right between the eyes, all of us treat our lives and our faith like it is a pintrest board in some ways.  For example, I may be quick to invite God to have central place in my volunteer work or church activities, and music, but my movie and food choices not so much.  I might choose friends who love God and are devoted to God, but can I say that I am quick to listen and forgive when I'm hurt?  What about those times I promised to fulfill a commitment, and no one knew except God that I actually forgot or did not follow through?  

    I'm an advocate for authentic living.  I'm not the example of what this looks like a lot times, so let me not try to point you to myself as the standard here.   Pinterest gives users the option of having up to three secret boards, which means only the user has ability to see content of such boards. I suppose I understand the need when it comes to planning a party or inside jokes, but I don't have secret board on Pintrest. It's more common though, or should I say tempting to have secret areas in our lives.  Bitterness overeating people pleasing love of another person as much as or more than God.  I have those secrets too.  God knows mine, but you may not see those in me, or even in yourself.Like it or not it is impossible to have secrets from God.  Oh we can have secrets with God, meaning He alone knows us better that we know ourselves or others but there isn't a secret good or bad, we have that He isn't fully aware we have.  What's my point, I doubt as Christians we will reach a place on this earth where we are aware of God in every aspect of our lives.  If you think are one who has, I'd love to see it.  It is certainly something we should ask God for, and be willing to allow him to permeate our lives with more of him!  "In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Prov. 3:5.  AMP  The next time you and I see a Pinterest board or a box or wallet, let’s stop and ask God to help us give him central  place in the areas most challenging.  So that the next time we sing the I give you my life, It will reflect a little more of our reality than It did the time before.

  Do you practice Pinterest Board Christianity too?  What is an aspect of your life, which you desire to invite God to transform?  If you are like me, there may be many.  I am committing these to prayer one at a time.  How about you?  Let's move together from Head knowledge, to heart transformation!