The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Friday, January 07, 2011

Half Full Friday & Humor & Truth Collide!

                                             Humor is a gift in Dark times.  I never knew anything about her, or knew about her much prior to this, but what courage!  By the way, I'm taking a break from Facebook, so if you need me e-mail me.  I know God is working, and wants to show me big things 2011.

  • I am Joyful to have friends praying me this week.
  • I am joyful for my great blog readers and their comments.  
  • I am joyful that yesterday I faced a fear.
  • I am joyful because I can now take a shower instead of just a bed bath.
  • I am Joyful, because of sweet moments with Jocelyn Claire.
  • I am joyful because of moments of humor!