The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Friday, December 28, 2007

May be a radom post

Have you ever begun writing a blog, and somehow have no idea what you plan to write about? That's me right now lol. I always hate when people write about the weather how dull does that seem? Maybe it just dull to me. Sorry to all the weather people out there.... By the way, it sure is raining in Chattanooga today. Just my lame attempt at humor.

I had a nice Christmas though I had to miss most of the Christmas services, because mom or I stayed sick during two of the services. Christmas this year seemed more rushed than normal, but I still enjoyed it. I got a nice portable DVD Player from my aunt, a few christian T-shirts, a big makeup kit, a couple DVDs and an MP3 Player, which I have no clue how to work yet:D
I have never been one who liked change at all, but for once in my life, I'm longing for something new right now. No, not something materially new, but something different and exciting. I can never remember being bored as a kid, or an adult, but here goes.... My name is T.J. and guess what I'm bored. I want a revival in my walk with God! I want to love the Bible not just read it! I want to pray with power, not just pray. I want to be bolder! I want to wake up knowing I'm fulfill a special role in the universe!

Those of you who know me know I'm not typically a charismatic person, in fact, if my mom is reading this she is probably thinking What Alien has invaded my daughter's body! Isn't it cool that God allows us to put the past behind us and begin anew?Here is proof! Phil. 3:13-14 (NIV) 13Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. God gave the Apostle a new beginning a new name even. He took Paul's past and transformed him into a great warrior for the cause of Christ!

He took Jacob's shame and we see Jacob too was given a new name! The woman at the well was told by Jesus to go and sin no more, and I believe scripture implies she may have done just as Jesus commanded her. Peter left behind his doubts and past failures to passionately follow the Lord after Jesus was crucified. I've never liked making New Year resolutions, but I am comforted to know that until Jesus returns it is not too late to have an impact for Christ that is fresh and new!Renew me Lord with passion for you in 08'


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that my child wants change! wow! I think we all reach a point in our lives that we need change. I do this often. Why do you think women rearrange their living room furniture, or goes to the beauty salon for a new hair cut or color? Longing for change! There is nothing wrong with wanting change. In fact change can be good. It can lead to stronger relationships, it can lead to new beginnings and experiences, and it can also turn your life around. What a great time to begin looking for change with the New Year right here upon us! Maybe you should make some of thse new years resolutions after all. well, my child it is late and i must catch some zzzzz's. I can't wait to see what your new hair color will be. ha! Mom

Jenn said...

Hey sister. I love your blog. I am sad that i missed your call on skype. I tried to answer but it is just not working. :I don't know what is going on with our skype but we can't hear anyone lately-- maybe our internet has been slower because more people are using the internet at this time of year or something, but it makes me sad. I miss you so much and I loved this post. I know that you fufill a special amazing role in this universe, but my prayer for you this year is that God shows you a special amazing role that in this specific year you are meant to play that you never would have guessed.. and i cannot wait to see what it is. I love that you are blogging again. Please keep it up. I love knowing what is going on in your head and your heart. I cannot believe how much change has occured in my year-- wow. It has almost been five months since i have been here.. that is nuts! Time seems to have flown at times and gone slow at others, but wow what a journey. I cannot wait until we can sit across from eachother face to face and discuss our journey together. Until then i can't wait to hear about what God has in plan for your new year. i love you. by the way, tell your mom that i responded to some of her questions to me on the comment section of my bowling blog-- and also tell your mom that she herself should start a blog as faithful as she is to us in the blogging world.

Michelle said...

Im praying God shows you exactally where he is calling you this year, and it is going to be exciting. You are getting alittle bapticostal on me:)
Love ya