The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Learning to say No to fear!

Hi Loyal Readers:

I hope this post finds you doing well. I only have a few minutes to post my caregiver will be here in a few minutes, but I wanted to tell you something God showed me today, that I need to rely upon his grace to learn. 365 times in the word of God, it says in one form or another "fear Not!" I read many verses that said this very thing. I am a very fearful person in general, in fact I have a history of panic attacks. I am finding that a lot of my fear if I am really stems from a lack of trust in God. Yes, my personality naturally makes me prone to fear, but often times my fear is a spiritual issue. God knew as limited human beings we would be prone to fear, but he also knew real confidence in him, is the primary key to freedom from fear! God is bigger than fear! Wow! People in Biblical times were told not to fear, and more times than not God's word was enough to encourage them to move beyond there fear! The Bible tells us the same thing, and his word is just as true now, as it was in the time of Joseph and Mary or King David and so many others. I don't believe God punishes us when are fearful, but I do believe fear uncontrolled can lead us to sin, in fact, I personally know it has caused me to sin. I am glad God is merciful as I fail so often to trust him in so many ways. What comfort in knowing that God's perfect love can cast out our fear!

More soon.... I am still contemplating the best way to do PDL entries.


Dee said...

Great post! I am a very fear based person from a traumatic child hood. I daily step over fear for the simplest things. Prayer and God's word is the only way for me to calm my spirit. I look forward to more posts, you are doing a excellent job. Merry Christmas Dee

Anonymous said...

Very insightful post! It is important to listen when God repeats something in the Bible! I often find myself expressing fear when I lack having control. So, graciously and patiently, He allows me opportunities to learn to trust in Him. I just wish it wasn't a lesson I have to keep getting instruction in! LOL :o) Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I look forward to visiting your again. May you have a blessed Christmas!