The Blogger Herself

The Blogger Herself

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Two weeks away!


Thanks for your comments on my blog on my poem. I'm thankful if it blessed you! I have been rather dry on the writing front since then. I have missed you all though. I've been a little afraid to write in the last two weeks, because I've had some icky stuff inside me, and I didn't want that outlook to spill over in my posting. I've been a bit inward, and self foucused. I am hopefully back now, but have no clear vision of what to write about. I do wish to remind you and myself though, that if you are Christian, you've been given the greatest gift ever, God's Son!

My Mom's birthday is tomorrow. I cannot tell you how blessed I am to have her. I love her so much. I cannot believe how much I have taken her for granted over the years. Please contiue to pray for her, as she is still bouncing back to health. Her caringbridge page is: Thanks for stopping by, I'll try to have a more well thought out post next time. Thanks for sticking with me. To my best friend Jenn currently living in Southeast Asia, I love you girl!


Dee said...

Hi, I am just glad your back. I look forward to your posts. Say happy birthday to your mom for me. Merry Christmas Dee

Beth Herring said...

I have enjoyed reading your posts! Thanks for stopping by my blog - hope to see you there again. It's such a blessing to be able to be used of God for His Glory! I will be praying for your mom.

Beth Herring

Glenda, saved by grace said...

Glad your back!
I know what you mean...I may have spewed some stuff that I shouldn't have spewed on my blog today, but I just hate the false security this world gives...
God bless you and keep you!
♥ Glenda